We have been having lots of Gingerbread Fun! We made gingerbread men and gingerbread houses! Don't forget about the Gingerbread Party on Friday, December 19th. 9:30 for the AM class and 1:30 for the PM class. Everyone is invited!
On Tuesday, November 25, we visited Kindergarten for a Friendship feast. We listened to a story and ate a snack. We ate popcorn, applesauce and pumpkin bread. Yum!
The December Scholastic Book order is due Friday, December 5. I will place the order on Friday. I cannot accept late orders this month. Thanks Ms. Chris
We are finishing our Farm and Vegetable study next week. We had fun shopping in our grocery store. In December we will start a study on Gingerbread Men and Cookies. There will not be a newsletter next week! Happy Thanksgiving!
We are studying the Farm! We are having lots of fun playing with the farm animals and farm at the play table. We opened a grocery store in the dramatic play area. Don't forget....The trip to the zoo is Wednesday, November 12th. We will board the buses at 9:20.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Parent Teacher Conferences. I enjoyed talking to you about your child's progress. If you think of anything else in the coming weeks, please contact me. We can schedule a conference at any time. Picture re-take day is Tuesday, October 28. If you would like a re-take, please send the photos in the original envelope.
The next parent group is on Tuesday, October 28 at Whittier School. 6:30-8:00. There will be an open discussion about school/home collaboration and how to process feedback about your child. I hope you can make it! Babysitting will be available.
Welcome to Holmes Early Childhood. In October, we are studying Balls! We are also learning about Fall! Next month we will study "The Farm". We will go on a field trip to Brookfield Zoo in November. In December, we will start a study on "Gingerbread Men". We will have a gingerbread party in December.