Friday, December 4, 2009


We are learning about cookies this week. We have a gingerbread cookie mix in the sensory table. The children are having fun pouring, measuring and mixing!

The dramatic play area is now a bakery!

The children are making muffins and pies!
They are also using the mixer and blender to make yummy treats!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sharing Feast

The morning class made popcorn for our sharing feast with Ms. Richardson's class.

The afternoon class brought popcorn to the Kindergarten feast in the Multipurpose room. We feasted on popcorn, corn bread, pumpkin bread and potato soup!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Field Trip

We had lots of fun at our trip to the Kohl Children's Museum. More pictures will be coming!

Our next study will be "cookies".

There will not be an Early Childhood Parent Group in December. The next meeting will be in January.

Friday, November 13, 2009

F is for Fruit

We made fruit salad in cooking this week. We made a graph to see which fruit we liked best.

We put root vegetables and dirt in the sensory center this week. We dug up the vegetables and washed them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Check out our buildings!

We finished our study of buildings. Every child made a building. We made police stations, a hospital, a library and different houses.

We started a unit on Fruits and Vegetables. We have a grocery store in our Dramatic Play area. We are having lots of fun shopping and working in the store.

Monday, October 19, 2009

C is for Castles

We made sand castles in the sand table.
Don't forget to send in a box to school. We will make different buildings with our boxes.

We are going on a field trip! We will visit the Kohl Children's Museum in Glenview, Illinois on November 17th. Both classes will go together. All children need to be at school at 8:50. We will leave school at 9am and return by 2pm. Please join us if you can!
We will visit the "Build a House" and "Little Builder" exhibit. In November, we will learn about fruits and vegetable and have a grocery store in our room. We will visit the "Dominick's grocery store" exhibit at the Museum too! Look for more information and the permission slip.
Check out the web page:

Monday, October 12, 2009

B is for Buildings!

We started a unit on Buildings.
We are using many different tools and building lots of structures in the Block Center and Discovery Center.

We made a "City Picture" at the art table with lots of tall buildings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A is for Apple

We finished our study on apples. We tasted the apples and made an apple graph to see which apple we liked best. We made apple pie in the Dramatic Play center. We sorted apples at the Discovery center.

In October, we will study Buildings!

Monday, September 28, 2009


We made applesauce! First we washed the apples. Then we cooked them. Everyone had a chance to put the apples in the food mill and turn the handle to make applesauce!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We have been learning about friends. We have practiced saying "hi" and shaking hands.

We sang a "Friendship Song" in a friendship circle.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a new school year! This week we are busy visiting all of our centers and learning the rules of our classroom. Our first study will be "All About Me" and "Friends".

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Train Trip

We finished our Transportation unit by going on a train trip. We had lots of fun! We saw a freight train too!

This week we learned about caterpillars and butterflies. Next week we will learn about bees.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Assembly Line

We had an assembly line in our classroom! We had lots of fun putting our cars together. We added lights, tail pipes, wheels and other parts to our cars.
Then we went to a Drive-In movie. We watched a short movie about "Cars".
Don't forget, we are going on a train trip on Monday, May 11th.

Our next study will be bugs!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Transportation Time!

We are having lots of fun with our transportation unit! This week we made a vehicle counting book. We are playing with the construction vehicles at the construction site at the block center.
Next week, we will make our cars!
Don't forget.....our Spring Early Childhood Potluck is next week, Wednesday, April 29th. Please let me know if you are able to make it.
Miss Chris

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April News!

During the month of April, we are learning about transportation. We learned about trains and other vehicles. We moved like a train during music time. We had lots of fun playing with trains at Center time! Don't forget to send in a large box. We are going to make cars for our drive in movie!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Under the Sea!

We are learning about fish. We painted an ocean mural at the art center!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


We are learning about rain and rainbows. We made rainbow Jell-O for snack.
We made rainsticks too!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pizza Time!

We started a new unit of study on Water! We will investigate water, weather, colors and fish.
We opened a Pizza Parlor in our Dramatic Play area. We are having lots of fun making pizzas! We made pizza in the art center too!