Monday, October 19, 2009

C is for Castles

We made sand castles in the sand table.
Don't forget to send in a box to school. We will make different buildings with our boxes.

We are going on a field trip! We will visit the Kohl Children's Museum in Glenview, Illinois on November 17th. Both classes will go together. All children need to be at school at 8:50. We will leave school at 9am and return by 2pm. Please join us if you can!
We will visit the "Build a House" and "Little Builder" exhibit. In November, we will learn about fruits and vegetable and have a grocery store in our room. We will visit the "Dominick's grocery store" exhibit at the Museum too! Look for more information and the permission slip.
Check out the web page:

Monday, October 12, 2009

B is for Buildings!

We started a unit on Buildings.
We are using many different tools and building lots of structures in the Block Center and Discovery Center.

We made a "City Picture" at the art table with lots of tall buildings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A is for Apple

We finished our study on apples. We tasted the apples and made an apple graph to see which apple we liked best. We made apple pie in the Dramatic Play center. We sorted apples at the Discovery center.

In October, we will study Buildings!