Monday, November 30, 2009

Sharing Feast

The morning class made popcorn for our sharing feast with Ms. Richardson's class.

The afternoon class brought popcorn to the Kindergarten feast in the Multipurpose room. We feasted on popcorn, corn bread, pumpkin bread and potato soup!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Field Trip

We had lots of fun at our trip to the Kohl Children's Museum. More pictures will be coming!

Our next study will be "cookies".

There will not be an Early Childhood Parent Group in December. The next meeting will be in January.

Friday, November 13, 2009

F is for Fruit

We made fruit salad in cooking this week. We made a graph to see which fruit we liked best.

We put root vegetables and dirt in the sensory center this week. We dug up the vegetables and washed them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Check out our buildings!

We finished our study of buildings. Every child made a building. We made police stations, a hospital, a library and different houses.

We started a unit on Fruits and Vegetables. We have a grocery store in our Dramatic Play area. We are having lots of fun shopping and working in the store.