Saturday, January 30, 2010

Guest Reader Day

Mr. Padevic, our director of Special Ed. read to our morning class on Guest Reader Day. He read the book "Snow Bear". Mrs. O'Malley, Holmes School's Administrative Assistant read to the afternoon class. We love having guest readers!

We made snowpals! Everyone had a chance to be a snowpal. We rolled them and dressed them up. Ms. Chris even had a turn! The students loved dressing up their teacher, turning her into a snowpal!

February's study will be Pets. Please send in a stuffed animal to add to our pet store!

Friday, January 22, 2010

M is for Mittens!

We read the book "The Mitten" this week. We made snowmen with snow playdough at tabletime.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

L is for lacing!

Last week we practiced lacing.

We have been having lots of fun playing in our clothing store.

We are learning about mittens this week. We will decorate a pair of mittens at the art table.

Our study in February will be "Pets"!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!

We are starting the new year with a study on winter clothing. We opened a clothing store in our Dramatic Play area.

We put pairs of mittens on our January placemats.

Our letter of the week was "K". We made fruit Kabobs during our cooking activity. We made a pattern with the fruit.