Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spirit Week!

We have had lots of spirit this week! Monday was Pajama Day.

Tuesday was Crazy Hat Day!

Wednesday was Career Day. Children dressed as construction workers, race car drivers, photographers, police, and firefighters to name a few.

Thursday was clash day. We had some crazy dressers!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Spring!

We are talking about Spring Weather! The morning class painted clouds with their feet! The afternoon class made a rainbow using handprints!

We are learning about Community Helpers too! This week we will learn about Mail Carriers. We will have a post office in our Dramatic Play area.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

T is for Trucks and Tacos!

This week we started a unit on Community Helpers. We have lots of trucks and community helper figures and puppets at the block center. We also have a construction site and a car wash too!

We made tacos at cooking. Yum!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Special Visitor!

Ms. Lynn Allen from the Multicultural center at Julian School came to visit our class. She brought lots of artifacts from Africa. She showed us baskets, utensils, dolls and lots of instruments. We had a chance to look and touch the artifacts. It was awesome!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

African American History Month

We have been learning about African instruments and clothing. The children had a chance to play the instruments while listening to African music. We also had a chance to try on clothing.

Next week we will learn about community Helpers.
Our Dramatic Play area is now an Animal Hospital. We are pretending to be veterinarians and are taking good care of the animals.