Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We showed off our costumes in the parade.

We made Jack O'Lanterns too!

Next week, we will learn about fruits and veggies! We will have a grocery store set up in Dramatic Play. Please send in empty containers to stock our grocery store. (cereal boxes, milk jugs, cookie box etc.)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"E" is for eggs

We made hard boiled eggs and scrambled eggs this week in cooking. We tasted them and made a graph to see what kind of eggs we liked best.

Our Fall Harvest/Halloween celebration will be on Friday, October 29th. Both classes can wear their costumes to school. The am class will parade with Ms. Somer's class at 8:45, then have a small celebration afterwards.
The PM class will parade with the entire school at 1:40, followed by a small celebration. Both classes will make an orange "Halloween shake" for snack.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

We went to the Farm!

We had a fun day at the farm in the zoo.

We brushed the goats.

We saw sheep and cows.

The ducks were swimming in the water!

Friday, October 8, 2010

C is for Cow

We are learning about farm animals this week. The students played with the farm animals in the barn.

We made milkshakes using a switch to activate the blender.

This week we made cows and corn stalksat the art center. Check out our bulletin board!

Don't forget.....Our trip to the farm in the zoo is on Thursday, October 14th.