Friday, January 14, 2011


We talked about Friendship. We made a friendship circle and sang a Friendship song.

We had lots of fun this week playing in the snow.

Friday, January 7, 2011

M is for mittens and muffins!

We are learning about Mittens and Snow this week.
We made snowmen with our "snow playdough". We played with pretend snow too!
The children matched snowflake letters.

We made muffins in cooking this week.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

On the Friday before break, the students had fun going on a train ride to the North Pole. When we got there we listened to the story "Polar Express". Then we went back to our class for hot chocolate. Yum! Unfortunately, I deleted the photos from my camera.

In January, we will learn about Mittens and snow weather clothing.
We will have 3 new students join us on January 3rd. Welcome to our new students and families.
We are looking forward to more fun and learning in 2011!

Ms. Chris