Monday, May 30, 2011

Olympic Day!

The PM class had lots of fun at Olympic Day! We participated in lots of activities with the Kindergarten classes. We bowled, tossed bean bags, ran a race and much more!

The morning class will participate in Olympic Day activities with Ms. Somers class during PE class on Tuesday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What a busy week!

We had a busy week. Jim Gill performed for the AM and PM Early childhood and kindergarten classes. We had lots of fun singing and dancing.

We pretended to be a caterpillar. We spinned a cocoon and turned into a butterfuly.

The children used the hexagon blocks to make a honeycomb for the bees.

The morning class listened to a story at the Oak Park Public Library.

Then we had a picnic snack at Scoville Park.

Friday, May 13, 2011


We are learning about bugs!

We looked for bugs in the sand table. We studied bugs at the Discovery table too.

We glued Zebra Butterflies on the "Z".

Sunday, May 8, 2011


We made an ocean picture at the art center.

At Discovery time, we did an experiment. We looked to see what items sank, and which items floated in the water.