Thursday, February 28, 2013

Community Helper Fun!

The children had fun mailing letters.

And delivering them too!

One  friend worked in the pizza parlor!

Another friend was a construction worker.

 The children also worked in the doctor's office.....
....taking care of patients.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pizza Party

We made pizzas.  Yummy!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Look !!
It's snowing!!

The morning class went sledding with Mr. Tim during Gym class this week.

Check back later to see the afternoon class in the snow.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

P is for Penguins

We participated in Penguin activities this week.
We counted penguins and looked at which igloo had more penguins.

We learned that penguins eat fish.  The Children used tongs to find fish.

We read about penguins.

The children played in the sensory tub filled with water.  We added ice bergs.  There were lots of winter animals in the water.