Sunday, May 26, 2013

Waling trip to the Oak Park Public Library

 The AM and PM classes had a great time at the Public Library.  We listened to a few stories, sang some songs and moved to the music.   We had beautiful weather.  It was a very nice trip.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Planting in the Holmes School Garden.

Planting in the garden.  We planted kohlrabi, pumpkins and tomatoes.


Watering the seeds

Getting compost from the composter.


Taste test

The AM and PM classes were able to go out to the courtyard to taste some vegetables before they planted in the Holmes School Garden.  The vegetables were yummy!


 Our butterflies emerged.  The students had great fun watching the butterflies in their habitat.

We let the butterflies free on our playground.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More Bugs!

The AM class had lots of fun with bugs!
Looking for bugs in the sand!

 The Busy Bee Band!

 Making caterpillars with the letters of our name.

 Making bugs with playdough!

 Retelling the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

 Finding "B"s on the beehive.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Check out what the PM class is doing!
 Investigating bugs at the Discovery table

 Playing a Bug Bingo Game.

Drawing bugs.
Check back soon for pictures of the AM class.