Monday, September 23, 2013

Dinosaur fun!

The children learned about dinosaurs!

 We read dinosaur books.
 The children counted and sorted dinosaur counters.
 Digging for dinosaurs!
 Dinosaurs hatch out of eggs.  What color dinosaur is in the egg??
 Making dinosaur fossils.
 Going on a dinosaur hunt.
 Making dinosaur pictures.
 Making a "Name-o-saurus"

Using dinosaur stamps.
 Making dinosaur prints.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Our First Week of School

We had lots of fun this week.

 Playing in the sand.
 Table time activities.

 Counting at circle time.

 Outside fun.
 Reading time.
 Singing songs at circle time
 Scooping and mixing to make play dough.
 Trying out our new batch of play dough.

 Circle time.
Gross motor fun in the big gym.