Sunday, October 27, 2013

B is for Ball!

We had lots of fun using different kinds of balls. 
 The children played with the balls on the playground.

Experimenting with balls and ramps!

Using tweezers with little pom-pom balls.

 Sorting balls at Circle time.
 At the Sporting Goods Store.

 We played with different ball toys.
 Counting Balls!

We played bowling too!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A is for Apple!

We had lots of fun with apples this week.
Making apple pie in the Dramatic Play area.

Counting apples.

 Making apple prints at the art center.

Looking at the parts of the apple at the Discovery Center.

Making Applesauce!
 First we peeled the apples.

Then we cut the apples and put them in the bowl.

 Mixing the applesauce.

After the apples cooked, we mashed the apples.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


We had visits from our Kindergarten friends.  They came in our room for a Friendship story and song.  The children  made a friendship circle to sing our song.

 Each student had a chance to make a  picture  using fingerpaint with a friend.

 Friends walking back to our classroom.

 Friends playing color/shape bingo.

Friends playing on the computer.

Dancing Friends!