Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

 We went on a Parade!!

 We stopped to get some treats.

Look at us!!

 Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Construction Workers!

Ms. Lauren introduced construction workers at circle time.

The children read books about construction workers, their tools and trucks.  They looked at what tools were in the tool box.

We sang "Johnny has 5 Hammers".

The children played with trucks on the playground.

Pretending to be construction workers at the block center.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Leaf Hunt

 We went on a leaf hunt.    We found leaves and put them in the basket.

When we went back to the classroom, we looked at the leaves with the magnifying glasses.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Making Applesauce

We made applesauce.

 First, we peeled the apples.

Then we cut the apples and put them in the bowl.

 Look how long  the peels are!

We added sugar, cinnamon and water and cooked the apples.

We mashed the apples.

Yummy!  Applesauce is good to eat.